Autistic people can and should live a life with love, connection, and potential
People with Autism can be made to feel different and excluded. But ASD treatment can help you find your niche and develop your passions.
Autistic people can and should live a life with love, connection, and potential
People with Autism can be made to feel different and excluded. But ASD treatment can help you find your niche and develop your passions.
ASD treatment can help with
Repetitive behaviors
Obsessive thoughts

ASD treatment works
The number of autistic people continues to grow, so you are definitely not alone! However, there isn’t one treatment as everyone’s situation is so unique. But working with an autism therapist can help you maximize your strengths, making autism a power rather than a weakness.

ASD treatment can help with
Repetitive behaviors
Obsessive thoughts

ASD treatment works
The number of autistic people continues to grow, so you are definitely not alone! However, there isn’t one treatment as everyone’s situation is so unique. But working with an autism therapist can help you maximize your strengths, making autism a power rather than a weakness.

FAQs about ASD & ASD treatment
What is Autism Spectrum Disorder?
ASD is considered a developmental condition that affects communication style and behaviors. “Developmental” just means that it is present from the first few years of life and continues throughout one’s life. Some people say that it is a different way of looking at the world, one that gives you perspectives that others don’t have.
However, it can come with some difficulties, including having a hard time socially and with communication. It could also be having intense interests that some might perceive as a bit eccentric or fringe. Additionally, autistic people can also have a hard time with focus, organization and planning, and anxiety. In some cases, people cannot speak, and in others, people communicate but perhaps with less social nuance.
Is it called Asperger’s or Autism Spectrum?
Both. The newer name is Autism Spectrum to show that there is really a very wide spectrum in what people experience. Asperger’s is an older term but one that more people are familiar with at this point. However, they are both talking about the same constellation of qualities.
What are some of the symptoms of ASD?
The key areas of symptoms are in socialization, communicating effectively, having restricted interests, and having repetitive behaviors. Everyone is unique though, and each person may not have symptoms in each of these criteria. Some people experience intense anxiety in social situations or crowds and need breaks from interaction to get through the experience. Other people may have behaviors like rocking themselves or scratching themselves when they are stressed.
Sometimes, individuals with ASD may have really specific interests that they have to keep themselves from talking about as others may not be as interested in the same areas. It could be hard to make small talk and think of enough things to say. Some people have a particularly hard time in middle school and high school when social demands suddenly rise, and they may not yet have the skills to interact in certain social situations. Other people may be incredibly bright in certain difficult areas but then have a hard time organizing and completing basic tasks. In conclusion, there are many, many ways that ASD can present, so speaking to a professional that is well versed in autism spectrum can help you identify whether the diagnosis fits you.
How is it diagnosed?
This is a neurodevelopmental condition, meaning it is present from the first few years of life. The key areas of symptoms continue through life, although the way they manifest may change. Also, a person gains abilities and strengths over time, so areas that were once difficult may no longer present as much of a challenge. To diagnose this, you need to see either a psychiatric professional or a neurologist who is well versed in ASD, as many professionals do not have sufficient knowledge to diagnose or treat.
At our New York City-based therapy practice, we work with many kids and adults on the autism spectrum. And our autism therapists can help with diagnoses when requested. The diagnosis is based on getting detailed information about communication challenges, sensory difficulties, and repetitive behaviors, from early years through the present day. In adults, the diagnosis can be made but is trickier because autism spectrum can overlap with other psychiatric symptoms. So, it’s even more important for the professional making the diagnosis to get a very detailed childhood history.
How is it treated?
There isn’t one specific treatment. Your autism therapist can work with you to determine what areas may be affecting your life and then work with you through talk therapy to begin to understand them better and make changes. Sometimes a specific type of therapy called cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) can be helpful.
However, CBT is most helpful when it is customized for people on the autism spectrum, as the general CBT strategies often are insufficiently helpful. Because other psychiatric symptoms of depression, anxiety, ADHD, or psychosis may accompany the autism spectrum, it’s important to find out which areas specifically outside of ASD are affecting your life and then create customized treatments. In the cases where other conditions are present, sometimes medication can be helpful to add to your treatment plan.
What are a few of the strengths?
Autistic people may be able to learn, remember, and retain information easily. They also may be very strong visual and auditory learners. Often, a person may have an area such as math, science, music, or art in which they excel. For instance, if you Google “famous autistic people,” you’ll get a long list of talented people! Also, there may be certain personality traits that are often associated with autistic people, such as being honest or having a lot of passion about certain interests, that many admire and value.
I’m an adult. Is it still helpful to get diagnosed?
Getting a correct diagnosis of ASD as an adult can help a person understand past difficulties, identify their strengths, and work on any current areas of struggle. Many of our clients feel a sense of relief in knowing. Others would rather not know. When we work with clients, we will follow your lead and help you understand the parts of your life you are ready to explore.
Do you “grow out” of ASD?
Many people look back on their past and remember symptom areas that fit with ASD, but they feel these areas have improved or changed and so they are no longer a challenge for them. People are constantly evolving, developing, and changing, so a label that fits at one time point may be less relevant later in life. Still, understanding how ASD framed your early years could still be helpful. Even in cases where the social difficulties, sensory issues, or repetitive behaviors are no longer present, a person may still see the world differently than neurotypical people, but that can also be a gift and strength.
Get started with ASD treatment in New York City today!
Meet with a skilled autism therapist to start treatment today! The team at our New York City-based practice provides an array of services to meet your mental health needs. Whether you are struggling with anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, ADHD, trauma and PTSD, or psychosis, we are here for you! Schedule a visit with us today to figure out if we are right for you and your mental health needs!